Icon requests

Icon Requests

There seems to be some confusion on making icon requests
  1. Please tell me which theme you are requesting the icon to be added. Example: Luxurious
  2. Tell me the name of the app of the icon (Name in google play store) Example: Twitter
    1. If you can attach a link to the application that would be great 
    2. Example: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.twitter.android&feature=nav_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwyLDNd
  3. Email requests to slcmotor@slcmotor.com or use our online requests form.
  • If you understand android activities and want to further help us, you can get the activity name from http://activities.droidicon.com/ and search for your app you are requesting. If found, copy and paste the last line in your request or on the online form. 
    • Example: com.twitter.android/com.twitter.android.StartActivity

Thank You

  • Depending on how many requests I get for the themes, I will complete them in a timely manner and include them in the next theme update.


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